Telareti(Gael/Puck/Cheesesteak) Mentor App!
There's not much more I can say about Telareti  that hasn't been already. Fun, engaging, wonderful RPer, and many times I've seen them helping folks out in multiple areas. I've had many memorable rounds with them, mostly with them having a great story play out while me as sec trying to stop them!

One thing I can say that hasn't been is Telareti is someone that tends to put RP and story first (even if it's disadvantageous to their character), but is never forceful in RP. I remember when I was a pretty new player, and Telareti was running an antag gimmick I wasn't comfortable with doing, only reason being because I wasn't quite sure how to play it out RP wise. They were respectful and and understanding, and just by me watching, I got to watch that little story play out, which helped me get some foundation for how I RP today!

Telareti would be nothing but an asset to the community in this role. Huge +1 from me!

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RE: Telareti(Gael/Puck/Cheesesteak) Mentor App! - by KingMorshu - 07-26-2022, 02:25 AM

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