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There is no insentive for nuclear operatives to get the authorization disk
(07-14-2022, 11:32 AM)Rmeaper Wrote: Infil is by far the most powerful nukie class. Getting the AI on side is a game changer, and once the bomb is actually planted, people are usually to busy throwing themselves at the bomb to notice you mug the captain. It's also got the best gun besides the sniper rifle, the tranq gun.

It would be fun if their was a stealth op win condition though, cause team stealth ops doesn't really work. Maybe it could involve gathering items like the auth disk off every head of staff, to have the timer reduced to 2-3 minutes. Even then stealth ops seems more suited to small teams, which doesn't happen often.

Knight is way stronger than the Infil. I've never seen the infil get to the AI, usually they get caught early, or they go with the nuke crew and not do much since they lack raw killing power

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RE: There is no insentive for nuclear operatives to get the authorization disk - by mralexs - 07-14-2022, 05:08 PM

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