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Space Asshole
So, I was watching Mining's training video again, ( All Ears ) and I got to thinking: People have been complaining that Mining needs another traitor item besides the mining charge hacker, why not give them a suped-up power hammer? Have it act like an RCD when swung at an inanimate object, be a slightly better robusting weapon than the normal stuff a miner has immediate access to, and make it need to be recharged. Maybe an increased, if not guaranteed, chance to stun on hit.

Boom, welcome back Space Asshole. Slowly hammering his way through the station and a sea of greyshirts, laughing maniacally the entire time. Gives miners a choice between large, indiscriminate destruction with hacked charges, or a more personal touch beating people, walls, and AI's to death with an ominously glowing hammer. Distinctly worse than a C-saber, or Police Baton because it needs to be recharged, but way better than an RCD or revolver since the only thing needed to replenish it's supply is a recharger. Plus, it paves the way for tense moments when they have to recharge the hammer, and leave themselves vulnerable for a minute.

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