07-09-2022, 06:16 AM
Atleast we all agree on the following for disabling Kudzu and what to do with them.
I already made a suggestion for Kudzu a while ago, but since I can't code it, i'll repeat it in this PR.
1: Split Kudzu into ant/neutral(crew).
2: Allow players chose to subcumb to kudzu.
3: Botany can now grow normal kudzu by "ways" that aren't antgonistic.
Esentially put the neutral Kudzu would be the hyper botany one with healing. They grow benefical kudzu where they like wich are miniture healing stations/make oxygen.
Standing on that Kudzu recovers wounds and such at a slow pace. (Doesnt outright replace medbay)
Benefical Kudzu people can only be healed on this kudzu, but aren't needed to move on them to survive as they aren't plant zombies.
To become a Kudzu Botanist (as I call em) you just have to eat Kudzu fruit. Since it's more a symbiote... even if you trick someone they gain kudzu abillities and the fact they gotta heal on the plants (wich they can grow too once in a while)
Kudzu antagonist is a whole "blob like" game play where the antagonist become the kudzu flower and spreads from it. And anyone who dies on Kudzu becomes a thrall.
But to be fair.... this similiar to flock mind in a way too so nah.
I think if we are going to make kudzu people more welcoming, we should allow the benefical good kudzu idea, but eh.
Overall.. turn it off, rework it.
I already made a suggestion for Kudzu a while ago, but since I can't code it, i'll repeat it in this PR.
1: Split Kudzu into ant/neutral(crew).
2: Allow players chose to subcumb to kudzu.
3: Botany can now grow normal kudzu by "ways" that aren't antgonistic.
Esentially put the neutral Kudzu would be the hyper botany one with healing. They grow benefical kudzu where they like wich are miniture healing stations/make oxygen.
Standing on that Kudzu recovers wounds and such at a slow pace. (Doesnt outright replace medbay)
Benefical Kudzu people can only be healed on this kudzu, but aren't needed to move on them to survive as they aren't plant zombies.
To become a Kudzu Botanist (as I call em) you just have to eat Kudzu fruit. Since it's more a symbiote... even if you trick someone they gain kudzu abillities and the fact they gotta heal on the plants (wich they can grow too once in a while)
Kudzu antagonist is a whole "blob like" game play where the antagonist become the kudzu flower and spreads from it. And anyone who dies on Kudzu becomes a thrall.
But to be fair.... this similiar to flock mind in a way too so nah.
I think if we are going to make kudzu people more welcoming, we should allow the benefical good kudzu idea, but eh.
Overall.. turn it off, rework it.