07-08-2022, 03:02 AM
In game there is a radio frequency for every department, however some of these often go unsued. Here's a list of all of them and how they can be improved:
- Research: rarely if ever used, should be merged with medical, since research often aids medbay with chemicals and with that it would gain an actual purpose
- Medical: as said above, it should be merged with science, Just like science, it is barely used
- Security: one of the two department frequencies that actually gets used. The only change i would do is to merge it with command
- Command: as mentioned above this channel should be merged with Security due to it not being used a lot. I cant think of any information that you would share in sec but not in command and vice versa
- Engineering: the other frequency that is used as intended. No change needed
- Civilian: Probably the most unused of them all, but i also have no idea how it can be changed for the better