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[CLOSED PR] Rework Molitz Beta to be more dynamic
I'll note that I'd rather this get merged, turn out to be too powerful, get Engineers used to it, and get toned down in future PR's than to have it be "balanced" on merge, get no Engineers using it, and be dead on arrival.

[Image: 177247083-e6bac09e-12ca-497c-be9f-775bcb37aecb.png]
Solid line is central value 3 (density = 75), long dotted line is central value 2 (density = 50), finely dotted line is central value 1 (density = 25)
x is explosion severity
y is resonance multiplier, which scales the amount of resonance added to the crystal

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Rework Molitz Beta to be more dynamic - by ohjoy - 07-04-2022, 07:57 PM

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