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A crumm(b)y suggestion: Food crumbs
I have many, many bad ideas and suggestions for food, but I think this one might actually be worth working out in detail: Food crumbs from eating too much. Just a little dirt particle that can be easily cleaned up by janitors that only appears when someone eats too much in a row; think mashing use-inhand until the entire box of donuts or the whole chef's buffet is gone. (You take a bite of the hotdog! (x3))

What it would do: 
Give the cafe a different way to become dirty aside from blood and vomit, so janitors have more things to be curmudgeon about
Create evidence for security, crew and kitchen staff to find food thieves (either through DNA scanning or kangaroo court), which should be fun in both classic and RP
Serve as a fun inbetween option for the ongoing talk of food rebalancing by adding a tiny consequence to overeating, without going as far as last year's rebalancing where food was given cooldowns (remember that?)

Lmk what you think. I dunno about the coding aspect but it sounds simple enough to add DNA to it.

Messages In This Thread
A crumm(b)y suggestion: Food crumbs - by Deep-Freeze-Defender - 06-30-2022, 09:01 AM

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