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[RULE CHANGE] Make overrides and precedence no longer apply to AI laws.
As a pretty regular AI player (and one of the more power-gaming ones), some thoughts:

- Having clauses like 'this law takes precedence' being ignored is fine, and not inconsistent with how you have to ignore lower laws asking you to kill everyone.
- Changing timings to allow for faster law modification is fine (and has already been done)
- Having an 'update' button or a buffer between when the laws are modified and when they take effect is useful for keeping borgs out-of-the-know but won't stop an AI who has a viewport on their AI upload. However, this is fine because you only have so many viewports and people sometimes forget to look at them.

Idea is good, things are being done to make it better. Make this change pls, I hate interpreting circular law dependencies and pedantics about the word 'overwrite' and 'override' and 'removes'. Fucking get rid of it.

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RE: [RULE CHANGE] Make overrides and precedence no longer apply to AI laws. - by Stonepillar - 06-23-2022, 04:11 AM

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