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NTSO... Unlocked by pressing the Alarm?
The biggest issue with a respawn is that you get multiple, and you get people as ghosts waiting around not having any fun hoping someone presses the funny button- neither one of these are super good- as is, I can only remember one round in the last full week where sec have had any problems dealing with antags on goon1.

I do think the NTSC could use an overhaul in the spawn conditions, though. Here's my suggestion:

Add a program to the communications console and sec console that allows any secoff or head of staff to request a NTSCs from centcomm.

1) This program only lets the caller call if of the following conditions are met:
It is not revs or nukies
Less than a third of the security team are alive
More than a fourth of the crew on the manifest are dead
Less than 2/7ths of the heads of staff remain
Less than 1/6th of the starting antags are dead

2) The program than checks to see how many NTSCs are eligible to be spawned, by checking how dire the situation is given the above parameters. The absolute max would be three.

3) Next, this program sends a respawn alert to any eligible ghosts who are whitelisted, asking them if they would like to respawn. If the max number of NTSCs are spawned within sixty seconds, great, there's your response team, clean up the antags and call the shuttle.

4) If there are still eligible NTSCs to be spawned, allow whitelisted latejoiners to connect to the round as an NTSC proportional to the acceptable slots.

This prevents your shitters from breaking in and pressing the funny "spawn secoff" button at minute 2, but also ensures sec isn't breathing too heavily down the crew's necks and the response is appropriate to the situation.

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RE: NTSO... Unlocked by pressing the Alarm? - by NightmarechaMillian - 06-22-2022, 01:30 PM

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