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Remove egun from HoS locker, have HoS spawn with it
Captains are are 100% chance spawn at round start and they start near their locker always. If a captain does not grab their Egun from the locker this is their own fault. So captain egun in locker is a nonargument.

HoS egun in their locker I believe is a good argument for people round starting as HoS more often if they don't want their gun stolen.

I dont believe you can round start as NTSO so they can probably keep their gun on them when they spawn.

Detectives gun while it is pretty strong it's not the detectives only use. A detective shouldn't be using their gun often anyway so I'd say it should start in the locker, PLUS what round doesn't have a round start detective? Everyone always has detective high on their list of jobs.

I'm not sure about any other guns from round start. Can you guys remind me if there are more?

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RE: Remove egun from HoS locker, have HoS spawn with it - by KikiMofo - 06-15-2022, 03:17 PM

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