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Remove egun from HoS locker, have HoS spawn with it
The difference between head gear thats in lockers versus gear that jobs spawn with is that while head gear in lockers is certainly nice to have, its not critical. Its not nice to get your belt stolen as CE, but like, you can still definitely do your job fine. Its honestly the same for lawbringer, sure lawbringer is a really nice gun, however you still are more then able to get other sec gear (and were probably going to anyways). Going into some rounds with more difficulty then normal I think is good, it helps spice up rounds (and makes it even more satisfying when you find the twerp who stole it in the first place and manage to get it back).

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RE: Remove egun from HoS locker, have HoS spawn with it - by Ikea - 06-15-2022, 03:00 PM

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