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NTSO... Unlocked by pressing the Alarm?
"Who in their sane mind would wait for an hour just so they maybe, not each round even can latejoin for a role."

I mean, this is really interesting. If someone whitelisted wants to join the round late as security, Sec Off is on the table, as is assistant. Playing Sec doesnt always have to be playing it at the highest most authoritative level available to you every round you possibly can.

Nile suggested the button idea earlier. I think it's about direction at this point, whether the NTSC is meant as an "uh oh send additional support" role or someone with more time to do stuff like teach and assist. My leaning is against button in either server scenario; changing the access to a role people can validhunt in to a role people can validhunt in only at a specific time doesnt do as much as I see changing the talk and culture around NTSC and potentially the gear loadout would. It's an interesting idea mechanically and narratively but as a gameplay item, I think the needs of a round have a tendency to move too fast for the kind of deliberation necessary for something like this.

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RE: NTSO... Unlocked by pressing the Alarm? - by nefarious6th - 06-14-2022, 08:28 AM

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