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NTSO... Unlocked by pressing the Alarm?
This is a "small idea" and probaly a terrible one, but I keep hearing that people on the classic styles get valid hunted by NTSO's that join early and can't do much about it.

I do agree the NTSO is one of the MOST POWERFULL security members on the security team, being able to do more then a HoS in that regard.
BUT... it only appears if there is already a HoS on the station.

Now in my opinion it doesn't make sense the NTSO comes to the station for no reason. "Everything is fine, let's send the biggest guns we have to the station"
It is suppose to appear when shit hits the fan and security needs to access the armory and such. Mostly since i compare the NTSO to a SWAT member. You don't have someone in SWAT gear walking around the station going: "Good day gentlemen, I am here to ticket you for littering" It just sets a weird in universe presidence.

So.. I recommend that NTSO cannot be chosen until... "Someone in command hits the emergency button in the bridge" 
I can already hear someone say: "BUT... that will make dead players respawn as one...and it's whitelisted so it becomes even harder to get one out."

Well why not add a prompt to the game that allows any player who is whitelisted and NOT an antag to get the prompt to respawn as a NTSO.
Or for lore reasons: "The player is already NTSO, but when the alert went off had to get on duty and change outfits and such"
Heck the person who says yes might get a space drop or something to obtain the NTSO gear to do their duty as NTSO.

I don't think this change is the best idea and I am just putting it out there as an idea, but from what I can "theorize" it will do the following things:
For positives:
+ The alert button becomes more valuable. Making it's alarm mean a NTSO will appear soon. Great for Antags and fellow security players to know.
+ NTSO's cannot be patrolling from the start, thus giving making sure the most expirenced security member with alot of guns aren't roaming the halls every shift.
+ It allows whitelisted players to play other jobs without the fear security gets overwhelmed and wishing they rolled HoS or NTSO. Now if it happens... The NTSO can simply spawn in freely and those players can CHOSE to clean the mess.
+ NTSO will no longer be locked behind needing a HoS on the base 1st.
+ Possible attempt at intercepting the NTSO spawning in and stealing their gear as Antags??

For negatives:
- Press button, spawn NTSO, profit. (It will be considered a penalty if you press the button while nothing is going on. AS IT SHOULD!! )
- People fighting over NTSO spawn (It kinda already happens...but it's RNG wich white listed player gets it)
- Security or Command are more willing to spawn the NTSO thus hitting the button early. 
- The button might be targeted by Antags and pressed if a penalty is installed on it for miss-use. (This can be fixed with only Command/Security IDs can activate it though)
- Players complaining the new system isn't fair since it can turn 1 player into a security one that they didn't see coming due to that bloody button. Right after they wiped out Security and such.

So... what do you guys think of the idea? Would this make the NTSO more interresting? Make it worst? Discuss away.

Messages In This Thread
NTSO... Unlocked by pressing the Alarm? - by Kotlol - 06-14-2022, 06:05 AM

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