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Remove egun from HoS locker, have HoS spawn with it
(06-13-2022, 09:36 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: An HoS has many other weapons at their disposal if the Egun is stolen. Theres always going to be something in the armory left or even going to QM to get some weapon crates. The Egun isnt so important that its NEEDED to spawn in with and I believe the same for the NTSO gun or detectives gun or captains gun. They should all be in a locker and not spawned in with them.

Captains gun is in HIS locker not in their hands at spawn.

NTSO and Det guns are on them from the start.

Det in this case has most their tools still in their office/locker, but their most important ones like the gun and Det_net glasses are on them at spawn for very good reasons.

Det gun: Easy to use, doesnt need a charger (wich is behind certain doors), det's office is less secure, has LETHALS and STUN to switch with, cannot be EMP'd to stop it.
Ammo can be fashioned and obtained from any sec vendor if you run out. It's very devastating. Thus it shouldn't be in the locker. The advantage of ballastics is the fact it's reload and shoot, with energy weapons they take a moment to reload batteries or recharge. THUS THE DETS GUN IS SUPERIOR IN COMBAT, but has limited ammo unless you know how to obtain more.

Det_NETS: It's on them for a veeeeeeery good reason. (but it's not a gun) If that one is stealable when there is no Detective... every antag will rush to steal it trust me.

NTSO Guns: Ballastics and energy with alot of fire power. Yea no.... the NTSO is the most powerful security unit in the game weapons wise for a reason and it shouldn't have any items be stolen from NOT SPAWNING IN. Since HoS's and NTSO are both WHITE LIST ONLY!

Heck even the CHAPLAIN spawns with a gun in their bible and isn't even security.... and that gun is UNSTEALABLE despite being pretty pittifull in damage, can't even crit someone with a full load. (You can steal the gun but you have to make the chaplain draw the gun and knock them out right away, wich means it will waste one of it's 4 valuable shots atleast)

That said...the HoS could spawn with abit more from the start if they late join. After all they are WHITELISTED ONLY. I am fine with them being stolen from, but at the same time... HoS's aren't common folk are they? I can't earn HoS access from playing 100 rounds of security. I have to be screened and allowed on the forums by admins/players/mentors/devs.
So insted of spawning with the E-gun, why not spawn with a special conceal carry gun the HoS has? I mean the chaplain does and the Det sorta has their gun at arrival.
So give the HoS another small armament they can use... maybe a special PDA program that can fire a pulse to protect the HoS in need, but the cooldown is like 40 seconds?

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RE: Remove egun from HoS locker, have HoS spawn with it - by Kotlol - 06-14-2022, 03:31 AM

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