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Medical Doctor should be a time-locked role.
highly disagree, i find medical doctor to be a very good entry role to ss13

many argue that staffie is what a new player should do to get the fundamentals but i get it, but the issue lies on the fact that there are no clear goals in playing as one
when playing as a medical doctor, you get to learn more than what you need to learn than say a janitor, you can learn how to tend to yourself, to others, how actions work, basic chemistry and so on

your issue just usually stems on the mindsets of most players, whether that be they are clueless or that people prefer to do the healing themselves, and thats not necessarily a bad thing
theres always going to be incompetent people and theyll just have to adapt to it
you shouldnt be inclined to do your job as a doctor, is my extreme take on this situation, just do what you need to do if it warrants it
you cant heal everyone anyway

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RE: Medical Doctor should be a time-locked role. - by Nihisohel - 06-12-2022, 06:17 AM

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