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Permeability coefficient is ass.
So i know what you are asking "permeability coefficient, what's that?" well that's a complicated question as it turns out. All clothing has a permeability coefficient that is quite similar to our stats system and it modifies how much chemicals can get inside your body when splashed with chems or you come into contact with puddles. It seems simple right? Wrong. It uses some weird math to determine how much chemicals get inside you that is not at all told to the player at all. There is not a stat for this when you look at the tool tip for clothing, it is applied to the clothing with no tell to the player on how effective their clothing is on halting chems.

Now here's part where it gets worse. Permeability is very arbitrary in it's values. A pair of gloves is way stronger at halting chemicals than a full jumpsuit for example. This leads to roles having absurd chemical resistance out the gate due to some of the item's values. It also leads to absurdity.
Behold. Chemical immunity.

I propose we rework this into a percentage and change out all the values applied to be much like the current stats system. That way players are able to see what is and isn't able to be penetrated by touch chemicals and also how to reduce the amount of chemicals that can be applied much more clearly.

Messages In This Thread
Permeability coefficient is ass. - by DimWhat - 06-05-2022, 11:40 AM
RE: Permeability coefficient is ass. - by Ikea - 06-05-2022, 11:42 AM
RE: Permeability coefficient is ass. - by Mouse - 06-06-2022, 02:01 AM

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