05-29-2022, 10:34 PM
(05-29-2022, 09:29 PM)github_bot Wrote: PULL REQUEST DETAILS
[input wanted]
About the PR
It adds the option of boxed and single auto-injectors to the chemmaster. Includes the Hypospray whitelist (emagging chemmaster makes it ignore the whitelist).
Adds a big container without limits, that doesnt fit in the belt slot (weight 3), and a small one with a capacity of 3, which can be added to belt
Why's this needed?
i always thought its an missing feature, as these could easily be handed out to people.
(u)Aivaria + littleBugHunter
(*)Added the options for single and multiple auto-injectors to chemmaster. Chemicals are restricted by whitelist, but can be emagged to allow any chem.
Hey there,
TDHooligan recommended a discussion thread, and i agree, i think its needed.
Currently this feature would add options to chemmaster for:
Creating single Auto-Injector
Creating big boxes (basicaly pill bottles with no upper cap), dont fit into belts
Creating small boxes (capacity of 3 injectors).
Chemicals useable for auto-injectors are whitelisted by the hypospray whitelist. In case the chemmaster gets emagged, the whitelist drops (thats actualy an existing feature inside it)
My intention behind this, is the option beside pills or patches to have something to safely hand out to people. (sometimes people on RP ask for first aid kids, and i like the idea to just make some auto-injectors with usefull meds, to add those to the kits, as an addition.)
... maybe i should use this as description?
Anyway, i get your concerns from github, and would like to offer options to them.
The box size of 3 - im willing to reduce it to 2 (was my first idea anyways). But would like to reduce its weight class to 1, so it might fit into first aid kits.
The big box - here i would offere to increase the weight class a little more, so it doesnt fit into backpacks anymore.
To make it less spamable, i could also make it so, that the big box contains small boxes of the auto-injectors. That should prevent spamming them out of the big box. Also the size 2 box wouldnt render them 'equal' to hypospray. But in my opinion, the hypospray is way more powerfull, as i can set the injection amount, and add chemicals on the go if needed. I know some player carrying arround several beaker or larger container, and just a few hyposprays, and fill in the chems in case of need.
About the emagging - i would leave it in there. baddies currently could use patches. And patches may be used from containers (and even worse, atleast for me, you dont see patches applied by a container on player picuture). So instead of an 10u shot from an auto-injector, you would have an patch applying up to 30u per patch of an bad chem. Also curing this is.. tricky, as mentioned, you dont see the patches, and i dont want to ignite my patients to get rid of patches.
I also thought about adding a security feature, so you would have to click once on the auto-injector created by chemmaster to make it useable (like a soda can, that has to be popped open first). but i guess thats the point were it might render them useless, as people probably wouldnt figure this out on their own.