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Revert the rename of NTSO to NT Secuirity Consultant
Anything "NT-SS" is a hard no. Absolutely not.
I'm strongly leaning towards "Liaison" myself. NT Security Liaison or NT Liaison Officer.
It's a pretty versatile term that implies that they're here more to help out the crew than to be tacticool rambos.

Personally I'd like to see the Fancy Blue NT security job (liason or consultant or whatever) head off-station more too. HoS and Guards shouldn't be abandoning the station, but blue person could be the Heavy for your adventure teams off-station or combat air patrol in the debris field or stuff like that. Would like to see them supporting and encouraging more PVE than going hard on PVP.

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RE: Revert the rename of NTSO to NT Secuirity Consultant - by Cogwerks - 05-28-2022, 11:17 PM

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