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Revert the rename of NTSO to NT Secuirity Consultant
Im going to go off topic for a bit, but while the reactions to this change may seem odd at first, I think they're part of a larger issue with how the hos job is framed (and to a less relevant here extent how security as a whole is framed culturally). This will sound off at first but stick with me, by offering a reward for a task, you frame the task as something that needs rewarding to be done instead of something that's a reward in itself. For an example of this, compare your friend saying "Hey do you want this lollipop?" versus your friend going "Ill pay you 20 bucks to eat this lollipop.". By offering external motivations for doing a task, you help frame it as a task that has enjoyment as a side effect at best or at worst punishment that needs compensation in order for you to do. There is an underlying assumption I've seen among a lot of HoS players that while rarely stated directly (or even consciously known), its often present. HoS is not a fun job in of itself that while occasionally has its downs, it's something you should play if you want to, it's a job that there's an obligation for you to play even if you don't enjoy it and any fun obtained from the job is an incidental side effect. This attitude sucks. Not only does it lead to HoS players needlessly putting themselves in rounds that they don't enjoy, it also leads to players dealing with hos players being sub par due to not really wanting to be there. Seriously hosii for the sake of yourself and others if you don't want to play hos, don't play hos, while the attitude of wanting to help is appreciated, the round will be ultimately be fine (most rounds go fine without hos and if something does go wrong that's what admins are there for).

To finally get to the point I'm trying to make, things like NTSC in its current state and special spooktober jobs (alongside broader cultural side things but outside scope) frame HoS in a way that has negative consequences all across the board, as something that needs rewarding in order to be done. Through this lens, a lot of behavior shown in this thread make a lot more sense. A lot of the reactions at first may seem oddly disproportionate, after all this is just a minor name change, however currently NTSC is whether intentionally or not framed as the reward for HoS to where you get to get a break from being a team player to be independent tacticool officer. By changing the name, its seen as a threat to change the current state of the reward for the "punishment" of hos instead of being a simple name change.

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RE: Revert the rename of NTSO to NT Secuirity Consultant - by Ikea - 05-28-2022, 09:06 AM

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