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[CLOSED PR] Reworks wraith, adds specialization paths; Harbinger, Plaguebringer, T...
(05-16-2022, 11:02 AM)Harry Wizard Wrote: If there was a way to trap doors so they slammed shut on people or vending machines just 'happened' to tip over and smash someone walking by that'd be fantastic. In that same vein, getting N20 and plasma tanks to open themselves veeery slowly with creaking sounds to let people know somethings up with them.

Also would be a fun trickster thing to curse someone with HORRIBLE BAD LUCK! Where they can haunt someone so long that every door hurts them, every vending machine lands on them and they just have to rush to the chapel to pray for a god to save them XD

Eitherway it just seems like a fun way of harming someone.. of course this abillity would have a long cooldown so you can't just spawn squish someone or flood medbay with 10 harm victims.

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RE: [PR] Reworks wraith, adds specialization paths; Harbinger, Plaguebringer, Trickster. - by Kotlol - 05-16-2022, 02:48 PM

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