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[CLOSED PR] Reworks wraith, adds specialization paths; Harbinger, Plaguebringer, T...
Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback!

I do think mass emagging might be worth reworking in to a new ability, both to make it more "interesting" to use and deal with. Im not sure if it would truly be tricky to balance, but it's on the whole fairly uninteresting compared to the other abilities the other wraiths currently have. I'll consider reworking it to something more suitable and interesting.

On the possession ability: It's extremely strong, yes, no doubt. However the wraith does have to expose itself if it wants to earn the possession points needed to take control of someone. Currently the possession lasts a minute and a half, and prevents suicide while you possess someone so that it doesnt end up in a "just kill this person" type of ability. You can still crawl out of an airlock however. I'm still toying with it a little in terms of balance but it's likely going to be difficult knowing exactly how powerful this ability is until it's been playtested im afraid.

And finally the last idea you have for an ability does sound like a lot of fun, and would be doable, i'm just not sure if it would be a "strong" enough replacement to mass emagging. There are already some concerns raised on how trickster might be a bit underwhelming for classic (although they now have quite potent traps), so i'll check out if this replacement would be sufficient without tanking it's viability too much.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Reworks wraith, adds specialization paths; Harbinger, Plaguebringer, Trickster. - by Bartimeus - 05-16-2022, 04:20 AM

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