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[CLOSED PR] Reworks wraith, adds specialization paths; Harbinger, Plaguebringer, T...
I've made it so that minions cannot spawn in space or in walls, so there's no risk there.

Also i've made it so that manifested wraiths can now open any door that isnt bolted, welded or unpowered. This shouldn't give them a sizeable advantage in chase considering they can't close it behind them, and they can already open doors by using their "decay" and "open doors" spook abilities.

The main reasons i've done this is to allow the wraith to be a bit more cheeky with his manifests and be able to hide into maint instead of just being stuck into a corner. Also this allows trickster wraiths who are currently hidden as a crewmate to open doors in a more believable manner, since beforehand they would just be stuck in front of the door without any way to open it without clearly outting themselves as a wraith.

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RE: [PR] Reworks wraith, adds specialization paths; Harbinger, Plaguebringer, Trickster. - by Bartimeus - 05-14-2022, 01:08 PM

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