Bob Guy Purple Mouse Applycation
Quote: F is the most important key

Usual character name: Bob Guy
BYOND username: Reaper90202
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Craftsdwarf
Recommended by (if applicable): KayEng, Relt Rockwell
Goon servers you play: Goon2, occasionally 1, rarely 3/4

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): 
I started playing Goon around December of 2021, hopping around ss13 servers, but eventually I landed myself here, enjoying it the most. I started off just amazed at how vast the game was, and very confused. Mentors were always of great help to me, and I would love to step into that role to help other like I was (and, obviously, still being) helped.

So now, I’ve been playing Goon for a while , recently got HoS, and I think I’ve learned enough to be a mentor. I specialize in Security, but if anything else it would be Botany. I really want to help people out better, and Mentor had the tools to do that. I have been thinking about applying for a while, but decided to learn HoS first so i can know just about everything. The (i think) only areas I havn’t explored, although plan to explore soon, are engine, toxins, and DWAINE. I believe I could thrive as a purple mouse, and (probably) not implode into a black hole. I am an accomplished botanist, a regular security member, a decent scientist, and a competent engineer. I try to be very open to learn anything i don’t know.

And of course, I am still learning, because this game is oh-so vast, and Mentors can help show the path in the chaos. By applying, i hope to become more involved in the community, help more people out, and generally improve in it all. Mentor has many tools to help, which can help in so many ways to aid in teaching. I hope to stay with this community, as it is truly great, and the game is fun. So, In the end, it’s all about the haha funi purple mouse of knowledge. Mentors are cool, and i also want to be cool by helpin’ out Boogiebot
also f is the most important key

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
None to my knowledge

Messages In This Thread
Bob Guy Purple Mouse Applycation - by Reaper90202 - 05-14-2022, 06:28 PM
RE: Bob Guy Purple Mouse Applycation - by SenExus - 05-15-2022, 04:51 AM

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