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[CLOSED PR] Reworks wraith, adds specialization paths; Harbinger, Plaguebringer, T...
About the spirit candle: Due to how item processing ticks, currently it works with a slight delay. Which means that if you pull the candle out of your bag and light it, it immediatly starts giving off a blue light, but doesnt show the wraith until at least one tick, which translates to about a second or two. I don't think i can give the wraith too much of a tell or they'll easily phase through all the walls and flee. Also snuffing out the candle manifests all wraiths in a 4 tile radius, but after a 0.5 second delay to give the wraith an opportunity to phase through one or two walls and get away. There might still be a need to balance it out a little, and i do like the idea of the wraith flickering in and out.

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RE: [PR] Reworks wraith, adds specialization paths; Harbinger, Plaguebringer, Trickster. - by Bartimeus - 05-12-2022, 05:44 AM

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