05-04-2022, 05:03 PM
(05-04-2022, 02:39 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Cracked glass screen overlay
Something that could be neat for things like the Sec Huds or various goggles is instead of destroying them it glitches them out somehow, like the internal electronics were damaged.
Could be little spurts of static, maybe Hud elements kinda flicker or something.
I do think more stuff should be capable of breaking so there could be more of an economy around replacing items, though some things should at best get a debuff or cosmetic change instead of outright going away
I do like the idea of the UI and screen glitching out if you are wearing sechuds and get smacked too hard in the face. Same with borgs if they get smacked in the head they should do the same. Maybe thermals too?