05-04-2022, 03:31 PM
(05-04-2022, 11:50 AM)nefarious6th Wrote: kot's idea is pretty neat too; just like in real life I sometimes end up with a lens smashed or popped out, but that doesnt make my whole frame totally useless, it just means I get a new lens or pop the old one back in and keep using the same frame. actually thinking on it more, I like her idea a lot and maybe having lenses pop out or something is the solution. temp hindrance for people to create a window of action but also forgiving enough that people can replace gear/use matsci for something other than telecrystal spears.
Thanks but I am a guy who plays a female charater XD. Lil something.
But yes... while I don't think something like sec huds would be made by staff assistants.
But I do THINK fixing them with a lens is doable.
Also it could start an economy of own glasses with own lenses and effects. That will be alot of sprite work though but hilarious for customisation.
I can already see someone opening an "Eyewear store" on the station for a gimmick with it.
So thats why I recommend just allowing "frames" and "glasses"
But sec huds cannot be made this way... they can only be fixed. Not produced.