09-09-2013, 08:00 AM
Quote:DWAINE is alright, gptio sure as fuck isn't.
The bare-bones of it really. Like I said, dwaine is fine. I'm currently toying around with dwaine and for someone who has never took programming, it sure as fuck is hard but rewarding when shit starts coming together. But this gptio where it gives back garbled information even when I put on my thinking cap and take some stims irl I get relentlessly frustrated with.
If there is going to be a manual, the manual should contain an example how to activate an artifact, as well as explaining a good portion of the shit that goes on.
Embolism raises a good few solid points, all of which I agree with.
Quote:3. You should be able to activate all Artifacts in the ArtLab. So, more machines covering every single possible Artifact activation method.
4. To tie in with 3, parameters should matter more. At the moment I don't think it matters at all if all you want is to activate it (either make it important in figuring out function, activation, or preferably both).
Addendum: I'm going to be naughty and suggest something people may not like.
Get rid of manual activation altogether.
When people see an artifact, they beat it, stun it, heat it with a welder and if none of that works they walk away.
Tying in with points 3 and 4 (concerning the parameters) this would make people actually use the machines and fiddle with the parameters.
If we streamline all of this, as in make it so when mining sends an artifact to research people will want to work with it and it won't be hit and miss and painfully slow to activate what you now realize is a useless artifact, and add some new artifacts, just maybe then will artlab be worth all the hassle.