Mentor Application - NotDucc (Ted Baphomet / Leaf Treeby / Dean Park)
Usual character name: Ted Baphomet
BYOND username: NotDucc
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Ducc#7981
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Originally started playing server 2 about two years ago, switched to RP servers more recently.

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

Hi! Been around Goon servers since the “tomato tide” in 2020 and joined the discord around December that year. I have played other codebases, though I’ve honestly enjoyed Goon’s community the most. Made multiple friends from this codebase alone and I’ve gotten along with most of the people on the servers and discord server.

When I first started playing, I was a QM with barely any grasp over the controls, only slowly learning them all over that first week I was playing. It was an incredibly fun experience, even if I barely understood anything at the time, and it only got better as I learned how to do more silly things. Hell, to this day I still learn little things that I never knew how to do. Using packets has been the biggest thing I’ve learned somewhat recently, even if my knowledge still isn’t the greatest with it. However, I certainly didn’t figure out all of the things I have on my own. I remember asking tons of questions over even incredibly simple things, such as asking people “how that other QM just pulled that crate behind themself” when I was first starting out.

As far as experience goes, I’m confident that I could explain how to do every role relatively easily. I know medical and botany the most by a long shot, but I’ve still had enough experience in other job roles to be able to answer most questions related to them. I’ve played or been part of every antag role, mostly favoring traitor for its flexibility in creating gimmicks that can be fun, along with Arc Fiend also being a generally fun “monster” role.

Overall, I feel like being a mentor would allow me to be more helpful for players in the round. I enjoy helping others as I know I’ve been in that spot before, and I have stopped what I was doing to help newer players in mainly botany or robotics multiple times to help them get better at whichever job I’m assisting with. I’m hoping to expand that a bit further by being able to answer questions people may have a lot more easily.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None

Messages In This Thread
Mentor Application - NotDucc (Ted Baphomet / Leaf Treeby / Dean Park) - by NotDucc - 05-02-2022, 04:21 PM

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