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[MERGED PR] New syndicate item: The sawfly
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About the PR
This PR adds a new thing for all of the bad guys to use: The sawfly. Keep in mind I've set nothing in stone and if you disagree with literally anything I've done for them, I'm open to suggestion or compromise.
[Image: 166164490-660e9fc8-4e14-4d49-957e-073397dc79e0.png]

# Demos:
Below is a (slightly outdated) pretty exhaustive video demo, but if reading's your style, I've typed it out as well.

Sawfly audio demo:

The sawfly is a 1 second grenade that, on priming, spawns a 50 HP drone which will attack anyone around who isn't syndicate. This drone can be turned back into a grenade by clicking it on with help or disarm intent, provided you're of syndicate affiliation.
Furthermore, there is a rarer cluster grenade of the sawfly that spawns five drones at a given location.

-As a traitor, you can spend 2 TC to get 1 sawfly grenade and a remote.
-As a nukie, you can get a pouch of 4 for 1 utility credit, or buy singles from the nukie uplink, as well as sawfly cluster grenades, which spawn 5 of them at a time
-Both singles and clusters will also show up in the spy thief menu.

Most forms of sawflies come with a remote. This is a special item that can be hidden in clothing, and will fold/unfold any sawflies or grenades in a small radius. To prevent detection, the remote can be broken by clicking it twice with anything that does more than 3 damage. Furthermore, emagging the remote makes it so that all sawflies which would normally get folded instead roll a coinflip to explode/burst into flames after a short warning. Since you have to be close in order for this to happen, I feel like it's balanced, and adds a little more interaction.

All audios are made by me, with sampling from for their revving audio

Why's this needed?

I think it'll be an interesting thing to have and people have been bouncing around the idea of a manhack for a while


(u)NightmareChamillian and Amylizzle

(*) Added a new general-purpose syndicate item: the sawfly. See minor changes for details.
(+) Sawflies cost 2 TC and come as a 1.5 second grenade that spawns a single sawfly drone on detonation
(+) Sawfly drones have 50 HP that deal 14 damage a hit to crew. They can be returned to grenade form by traitors.
(+) Furthermore, all sawfly purchases come with a remote, which can be used to fold and deploy all sawflies in in a 4 tile radius.


Messages In This Thread
[MERGED PR] New syndicate item: The sawfly - by github_bot - 05-01-2022, 01:06 PM
RE: [PR] New syndicate item: The sawfly - by Ikea - 05-01-2022, 03:43 PM

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