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Antags/Alternative Forms Ideas!
I think it'd be best if wraiths started out a little "weaker" and then get the option to perform a one time ritual which lets them transform into one of the classes. This weak wraith would not have most of the rampagey abilities but not have any added weaknesses, the reason for this is simple. The current wraith game loop is fun for the wraith but the worst thing ever to fight so you get a choice between being pretty much immortal or gaining new powers and new weaknesses. I really like the idea of the ossifier and it'd be neat if you could choose a "class" for the skeleton you revive. Void Master could be sort of a mix between blob and wraith spreading the corruption RTS style being powerful but very obvious.

Oh and Ice demons should turn into a puddle of water if they touch a fire elemental.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Antags/Alternative Forms Ideas! - by Toygu - 05-01-2022, 05:56 AM
RE: Antags/Alternative Forms Ideas! - by Danger Noodle - 05-01-2022, 06:48 AM

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