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What are some of the most wild situations you found yourself in?
where to start

I flooded the church with welding fuel and mindslaved the chaplain to get as many people to be in there as possible. I then got incendiary mitochondria and yelled CANNON BALL! and walked into the scene. There was like 6-7 welding fuel tanks full of fuel in there and i'm pretty sure the flames reached engineering

I filled a locker with the genetics monkeys and the kitchen monkey dispenser. At round end I pushed the locker onto the shuttle, then opened a monkey barrel that I got in a surplus crate with a macro bomb

I got to try the syndicate cruiser which I really wonder what ever happened to it that thing that was cool

a guy did the adventure thing that makes you immortal and just kept gibbing himself over and over until like all of maint was covered in gibs

I took the organs from like 20 players on a rampage and sold them all at the faint signal station for like 10,000 credits and just bought a bunch of bee eggs with them

Several rounds I've decapitated myself somehow and tried to push someone and fart on them as many times as possible before dying

When I get bored as a medical doctor or roboticist i'll start removing my own organs and throwing them at people

i used to be really good at controlling the MULE bot and killed like 4 sec and multiple crew trying to detain me while riding it, while on fire and acid

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RE: What are some of the most wild situations you found yourself in? - by MoonJesus - 04-27-2022, 02:46 PM

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