(04-26-2022, 02:01 PM)DioChasek Wrote: Seconded on non violent changeling getting killed by sec for no good reason. All I did was eat a bunch of monkeys then turn half a dozen people into MOPSY. No reason to execute me. All I wanted was family damn it.
Soured me so much on that role I took it off my wanted list for months.
As for wild an admeme round occurred with particularly swole nukies who did nothing for ages. Helped them sell brotein shakes in the bar shortly after admin notices the interaction syndicate signal goes off with the message you are a sleeper agent help the brotein revolution. Eventually things get violent one of the guys say to me MOPSY you better go and I say something along the lines of Mopsy is in this till the end. They hand me the sniper rifle and I pick off a few members of sec. As they break down a door a bit later shot the captain point blank dropping them into crit then proceed to die to the wave of sec afterwards.
Thats sad to hear
(04-26-2022, 05:08 PM)DioChasek Wrote:wait this was on rp?(04-26-2022, 04:55 PM)Cal Wrote:(04-26-2022, 04:19 PM)DioChasek Wrote: I have seen vampires get away with far worse but because they aren’t,”alien beings” they get a pass.
not from me
I see you aren’t acknowledging that the punishment needs to fit the crime though. A vampire killing crew by all means kill them, a changeling merely feeding on human ai monkeys is no different than a chef making human burgers the same way. No crew is harmed and yet at worse the chef will get brigged(and that’s even unlikely because this is a silly space man game) but the ling gets killed is just a stupid stance to take antag status or not.
Anyway hijacked the thread long enough should let people tell their wild stories.