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[CLOSED PR] Reworks wraith's "Absorb Corpse" ability.
I'm 100% on board with the general idea here of making absorption take time, but execution needs a bit of refinement. My suggestions are:

1. Remove the current interrupts from the action bar, instead in the OnUpdate proc for it, make the wraith need to be within 4 or 5 tiles of the body each time that ticks. So they have to stay near it, but people could teleport it away to stop the absorption or just throw it around playing hot potato. Maybe being made corporeal should stop the absorption as well

2. Injecting Formaldahyde into the corpse currently prevents absorption, it is further up in the ability proc, you should at least add that check into OnUpdate for the action bar. Similarly, chucking them into the morgue body holder object should prevent further decomposition.

3. Make the action bar private for the wraith.

4. Not sure if your code handles this, already but I didn't notice it offhand, but if the absorbtion gets interrupted, then it should refund some of the cooldown for the ability for the next cast. (I think we do this for at least one other channeling ability, but I forget which)

5. Lastly, it would be pretty cools, since decomp_stage 4 is a complete absorption, the onUpdate proc would slowly increase the decomp_stage as it goes on. Maybe letting it absorb a body that is in a higher decomp stage faster than a lower one.

Edit: Oh whoops. I didn't really read the pr description, just looked at the code. You had some of my suggestions in the desc already.

Also, and this is probably BYOND the scope of the PR, but if the wraith has to stay near the target, maybe the smoke/decay particles coming off of the corpse should move towards the wraith to give people who can't see the wraigh an idea of where it is, in order to use salt, or bring the body a different way.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Wraith's "Absorb Corpse" ability is now an action bar instead of being instant. - by kyle2143 - 04-19-2022, 08:58 AM

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