Complaint CaptainBravo, goon2
Admin: CaptainBravo
Server: Goonstation 2
Date + Time: 8pm BST, 18/4/2022

Synopsis: So, this admin was having a boxing match with someone else, at the time I had no way to know they were an admin, so when they lost and were killed. I rushed to heal the winner with a synthflesh/rafflesia plant I had spent the entire round on, but while I'm trying to heal them with the synthflesh smoke my arms and legs are suddenly ripped off without warning, and by the time I get to robotics to replace my limbs, my plant and my entire round's progress is gone. TLDR; I heal the winner of a boxing match, and get delimbed and lose 40 minutes of work.

Extra information: I also watched them erase most of the security team without warning when the boxing match was raided. Almost all of us were complaining in deadchat about it, since none of us were warned to stop or given any warning before being crippled or permanently killed.

Messages In This Thread
CaptainBravo, goon2 - by Wrill - 04-18-2022, 11:50 AM
RE: CaptainBravo, goon2 - by CaptainBravo - 04-18-2022, 12:17 PM
RE: CaptainBravo, goon2 - by Wrill - 04-18-2022, 12:51 PM

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