Echo Five HoS application(yes, again)
(04-17-2022, 05:56 PM)Reaper90202 Wrote: I havn’t seen them play much sec, but i did have a round with them when i was playing sec where (as a non-antag) they removed my helmet in a rage cage and almost got my face ripped off. I know it was probably just a joke but… i lost 2 pieces of gear to rampaging civilians. They weren’t sec that round by the way, just saying.

While not the best place to explain this I would like to provide the context just cause I felt bad never explaining this, what happened here is just that I got confused about what was going on, people kept yelling it was free for all, and I joined the fight and pinned you. If I remember right I started removing the helmet by accident then got called away and had to run off to do something while still a bit confused and thought I unpinned you before I left but apparently didn't. Genuinely sorry about that, a series of confusion and unfortunate events.

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RE: Echo Five HoS application(yes, again) - by Drewmajor11 - 04-17-2022, 08:51 PM

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