HoS application (Louise Valentine)
(04-16-2022, 05:35 AM)nefarious6th Wrote: not a recommendation in either direction, i just want you to hold onto the thought: in the role of hos and aec general, you have to be able to make context-dependent decisions based on the course of the round. for the rp servers in particular, this sometimes means dealing out punishments earlier or later than you'd expect in the round duration. not all antag actions fit a mould of spiking near the mid-end of a round, and sometimes the biggest things are happening only minutes before the shuttle arrives.
it's important as hos to keep that in mind to make those context-dependent decisions, which i've seen you struggle with.
best of luck.

Thanks for the feedback, I've definitely had some issues with being indecisive, although I think I've gotten a decent bit better at that. I'll admit I'm not entirely sure on what I should do to improve in terms of dealing with punishments specifically, I usually prioritize ticketing and brig time over anything else. If you have any specific feedback on times I should have done stuff differently I'd appreciate it, I'm not expecting to get approved but I would appreciate help improving at it. Thanks!

(Hopefully this doesn't come off as arguing, I'm just trying to improve at it).

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RE: HoS application (Louise Valentine) - by CthulhuTacos - 04-16-2022, 06:51 AM

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