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Some cargo items could come in frame form, with a solder
(04-11-2022, 08:54 AM)Cal Wrote: Alternate ideas I just considered:

Have them come in parts you assemble in-hand like tables. Would require Sprite work unfortunately.

Don't include the solder? Might be mildly amusing but likely ultimately annoying considering players may not know how to "use" the item.

That or locking the crates for the "RIGHT" department to open them.
That way nosey staff assistants cant open em... but that's not a good fix either.

Other suggestion: Only openable by scanning an ID to the crate. Any ID will do.

But you got a good thing going here.

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RE: Some cargo items could come in frame form, with a solder - by Kotlol - 04-11-2022, 09:26 AM

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