04-07-2022, 06:39 PM
Another important couple points about the traitor qm. You are at your best as a force multiplier for other antags. But DIO how do I know who is a traitor? I dunno look for the obvious ones, the clown with the car or boom boots, the botanist with the red chainsaw, or best case scenario the roboticist has built a syndicate frame robot. All of a sudden the antags are now in a position to outfit everyone with gear to achieve their ends.
Speaking of other things a traitor qm is great for, you know how if you are playing the game as a normal crewmember and making mad stacks and the syndicate broadcast goes off and all of a sudden you are a sleeper agent? Welcome to playtime. With a few button presses you now are outfitted for mayhem where every other sleeper is either ignoring it because why bother, or scrambling for a way to get ready for a riot.
Another thing that qm can excel at is spy/thief. The number of things they can order to their department to claim with no effort is pretty vast, multitools, sec batons, clownsuits, insulated gloves, mops, belts, the list is staggering for the small stuff.
Ovens, gibbers, alcohol/soda dispensers, genetek, cloners and agian the list continues for things you can order directly to your department without raising any suspicion like "why is the cloner gone? Who did it?". With a good bit of knowledge on high value miscellaneous bounties you can preorder a bunch and have them sitting around in wait to claim the second the list refreshes.
Speaking of other things a traitor qm is great for, you know how if you are playing the game as a normal crewmember and making mad stacks and the syndicate broadcast goes off and all of a sudden you are a sleeper agent? Welcome to playtime. With a few button presses you now are outfitted for mayhem where every other sleeper is either ignoring it because why bother, or scrambling for a way to get ready for a riot.
Another thing that qm can excel at is spy/thief. The number of things they can order to their department to claim with no effort is pretty vast, multitools, sec batons, clownsuits, insulated gloves, mops, belts, the list is staggering for the small stuff.
Ovens, gibbers, alcohol/soda dispensers, genetek, cloners and agian the list continues for things you can order directly to your department without raising any suspicion like "why is the cloner gone? Who did it?". With a good bit of knowledge on high value miscellaneous bounties you can preorder a bunch and have them sitting around in wait to claim the second the list refreshes.