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Make ntso spacesuit no longer the default clothing for ntso
I think the thing that contributes the most to the ntso’s validhunter vibes is the spacesuit. It strips away the face and overall looks aggressive. While i think its a cool suit, and id like it to remain a thing, I think it shouldnt be what ntso’s nearly always wear. The main reason for this being by far the most common item of wear is mechanical, it’s better then there other clothing gear at all moments. Making the spacesuit more situational and having the more friendly looking clothes be more attractive should help change this. 

The ntso should spawn with a nanotrasen armor vest (the blue one). The beret should also be buffed a tiny bit to be -3 melee prot, while the nt armor vest should be slightly better then a standard armor vest (like -7). This means that when attacking people with this clothing, targetting the head is more of an attractive option, which adds a layer of depth to it. Sketchy d5s ntso clothing may need to be removed to prevent a hos biodome situation, now that this clothing would hopefully be more associated with the ntso.

In order to make this clothing style attractive though, the spacesuit will need to be sidegraded. In order to not overburden the ntso with objects, the spacesuit now comes in a bag that can fit it, and all there other clothing. The ntso spacesuit now has .2 slowdown on both the spacesuit and helmet (same as caps spacesuit). This makes a clear and noticable downside to wearing the suit. However, the spacesuit now gets better fire protection, and the helmet comes with a night vision mode, turning on the night vision mode makes the helmet glow thus offering a downside to using it for maint hunting. This means that the spacesuit now isnt just good for depressurization, its also good for plasma fires, broken lights, and other enviromental hazards. This would make the friendly face ntso clothing a default option, while making the spacesuit be a thing thats best used for emergencies.

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Make ntso spacesuit no longer the default clothing for ntso - by Ikea - 04-07-2022, 05:47 AM

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