Thinking about it, I don't even see why sec needs cloning disks in the first place? You can grab literally anyone to scan you in the cloner, or just law 2 the AI for it, but security(and only security) gets disks that let them scan themselves without any help. It's just more "security should be completely self sufficient and never need any help from any other job ever" bullshit.
Anyway yeah I still think that security shouldn't start with death alert implants, just so stealth-focused traitors aren't forced to spend a quarter of their credits on a signal jammer(and making signal jammers cheaper would just be a bandaid fix when the problem is them being so important in the first place), stealth-focused vampires don't have to get 1400 blood before even thinking of fighting security, and stealth-focused changelings can kill secoffs at all.
Anyway yeah I still think that security shouldn't start with death alert implants, just so stealth-focused traitors aren't forced to spend a quarter of their credits on a signal jammer(and making signal jammers cheaper would just be a bandaid fix when the problem is them being so important in the first place), stealth-focused vampires don't have to get 1400 blood before even thinking of fighting security, and stealth-focused changelings can kill secoffs at all.