I have been playing this game for a long time and i think i can be a real help to some people i have been playing for a couple months on your servers and i would really like to help out i have been helped by mentors a ton especially when i first started i know how to do most things and can tell people most chem recipes and i know how to talk to your personal group know how to make stuff etc. I may not be the most professional person but i love to help people so i really hope you accept me.

I will really be honest i haven't been sec much but whenever i have i have saved a bunch of lives and only taken when they are traitors.

I think the tunnels around sec make it too easy to bomb the place it always seems to be bombed to me.

Shrek I like him but he is a kid character so I'm not too fond.

I have never been banned before at least as long as i can remember and i don't think i ever was and i can be a good influence. I hope you consider me if you do not accept me no hard feelings

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