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Trait Redo 2: Wired & Fast Talker
Broke down a trait I suggested the other day into something more reasonable. I don't know how to balance the trait points, so I left out any suggestions of what they could be. Any suggestions, additions, critiques, or ideas for new traits in general are very welcome in the comments. Thank you!

Better keep up with that sweet tooth of yours.

  • Spawns with candy, energy drinks
  • Starts with a caffeine/sugar addiction (permanent?)
  • Feeding the habit gives a slightly bigger boost for using caffeine/sugar
  • The addiction causes bigger downsides (sluggishness, drowsiness) when left alone

Fast Talker
Sometimes your think faster than you can speak.
  • Can proununce words wrong (rearranged spelling)
  • Sometimes gasps when speaking
  • Chance to remove spaces and make strings ofwordsgetbunchedtogether

Had to remake the thread because of some weird spacing shit it was doing to the post, sorry!

Messages In This Thread
Trait Redo 2: Wired & Fast Talker - by Kamikaze Mongoose - 04-03-2022, 08:37 AM
RE: Trait Redo 2: Wired & Fast Talker - by Yellow - 04-03-2022, 01:14 PM

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