Complaint Chrisb340 Heisenbee around 12-1pm UST+2 28/3/2022
Chrisb never played any "music" consisting of Liquid Snake explaining what Big Chungus is to Solid Snake. I know this because I did that.

They were responding to your adminhelp entirely from Discord, and from there thought your adminhelp of "BIG CHUNGUS x4" was some spam you were sending them for responding to your ahelp. Since that's kind of, you know, pretty annoying, they gibbed you for it and then later booted you off of the server for a second.

At this point I probably would have explained to them why you were ahelping that - once I finished whatever I was working on, which I believe was spawning a russian revolver in medbay or something - but it's the darndest thing: You decided you should probably ahelp nothing but "BIG CHUNGUS" a bunch more times after they explicitly told you not to spam ahelps.

This is what's usually known in intellectual circles as "a bad idea" that "will definitely get you banned".

I'm not going to speak to the length of the ban, but if you want them to reduce it you should probably reflect on why you actually got banned and maybe work on your impulse control.

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RE: Chrisb340 Heisenbee around 12-1pm UST+2 28/3/2022 - by CaptainBravo - 03-28-2022, 05:24 AM

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