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Mind Slaving shouldn't be an instant click.
Let's be honest. Some love mindslaving, others hate it.
But I think the biggest concern is... the implanting is litterly:
"Grab implanter"
"inject player instantly by getting close"

Sure the player implented falls down and gets up to show this, but... it should be stealthy.
It's easy for a traitor to grab the implanter, run up to the HoS, implant them and order them to go murder hobo. (Not like any HoS would do that, but it's an example)

While something like an Emagg has a failure rate, implanting is 100% done and kinda makes a player having to obey someone.
Where as Emagged borgs technically are just lawless.
And let's not forget ghouls wich has the whole: "kill em 1st"

So my suggestion is...
"Temp mind slave" can still be instant or implant gunned or something like that (it's like 10/15 mins?)
"Permanent mind slaving" can only be done via a special syringe. After all converting 1 player into a slave antag with a push of a button is kinda... broken.
Especially the creative types that might find ways to make more implants (haven't seen it yet).

There for a permanent mindslave takes abit more effort then just "Tag you are my slave now"
Now you gotta restrain your target too or catch em off guard.

Messages In This Thread
Mind Slaving shouldn't be an instant click. - by Kotlol - 03-27-2022, 05:55 PM

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