03-27-2022, 12:23 PM
The problem is Conspirators can be the most FUN ANTAGS or the WORST ANTAGS cause it requires teamwork.
And more often then not, most conspirators are like:
...And then get a lame objective like: "Throw a surprise birthday party for "RANDOM GUY"
So you try to rope others in and things get split up.
The biggest strength of the conspirator then other antags.. is you know who your antag buddies are. Unlike other modes where antags have to find eachother and can DECIDE TO WORK TOGETHER or.. TRY TO KILL EACHOTHER FOR SURPREMCY!
Conspirators do not have these choices. Their biggest strength is there for... their biggest problem.
You HAVE to work together since you don't get any powers like any antag or special gadgets or weapons. Everything you get must be done with what you are delt with... And most of the times the conspirators only have 1 head of command with them... and a ton of staff assistants.
So suddenly you have to use greytides to get tools you need as a medical head to build something up.
I believe the best conspriators try some crazy propagenda 1st and have fun with their greytides while the heads and actual roles try to do something.. (even if it's a clown).
But what I think and I suggested before is that Conspirators have to vote on an objective then will get traitor tools to pull those off.
From goofy ones that can't kill but able to have tools to convice people their tricks.
To more aggresive ones like building an own security force then slowly take over the station.
Kinda like Nukies/traitors but this a group deciding what gadgets they get and what insted of a per person basis.
Most votes gets that kit and if someone disagrees... well sorry..
It would empower them abit more and get abit more creative with a few traitor tools or start making messes earlier in the shfit then 40 mins in.
And more often then not, most conspirators are like:
...And then get a lame objective like: "Throw a surprise birthday party for "RANDOM GUY"
So you try to rope others in and things get split up.
The biggest strength of the conspirator then other antags.. is you know who your antag buddies are. Unlike other modes where antags have to find eachother and can DECIDE TO WORK TOGETHER or.. TRY TO KILL EACHOTHER FOR SURPREMCY!
Conspirators do not have these choices. Their biggest strength is there for... their biggest problem.
You HAVE to work together since you don't get any powers like any antag or special gadgets or weapons. Everything you get must be done with what you are delt with... And most of the times the conspirators only have 1 head of command with them... and a ton of staff assistants.
So suddenly you have to use greytides to get tools you need as a medical head to build something up.
I believe the best conspriators try some crazy propagenda 1st and have fun with their greytides while the heads and actual roles try to do something.. (even if it's a clown).
But what I think and I suggested before is that Conspirators have to vote on an objective then will get traitor tools to pull those off.
From goofy ones that can't kill but able to have tools to convice people their tricks.
To more aggresive ones like building an own security force then slowly take over the station.
Kinda like Nukies/traitors but this a group deciding what gadgets they get and what insted of a per person basis.
Most votes gets that kit and if someone disagrees... well sorry..
It would empower them abit more and get abit more creative with a few traitor tools or start making messes earlier in the shfit then 40 mins in.