03-23-2022, 06:29 AM
Hopefully It'll not surprise you that I've long mulled over some of the suggestions in this thread. The points I've repeatedly come back to are that giving players, especially large groups, free selection or multiple selection of target location is likely to split the group or otherwise not funnel players to one specific location. Options means oppertunity to get lost or otherwise harm team cohesion.
Locking the breifing room has been on my mind too, but considering nuke ops have an unlimited round time and nothing to force them in to planting/leaving the ship early (other than to catch the crew unaware) would locking them in improve the quality of the planning taking place? The tools are already available to all operatives to observe the crew from a distance and make complimentary class selections, I'm just sceptical that sealing them in for 5 minutes would do anything other than generate 5 minutes of yelling and door-bashing before the round could continue in earnest.
Ultimately these suggestions look to enforce cooperation and good team-play through programatic solutions and I just don't think we can code a better nuclear operative.
Locking the breifing room has been on my mind too, but considering nuke ops have an unlimited round time and nothing to force them in to planting/leaving the ship early (other than to catch the crew unaware) would locking them in improve the quality of the planning taking place? The tools are already available to all operatives to observe the crew from a distance and make complimentary class selections, I'm just sceptical that sealing them in for 5 minutes would do anything other than generate 5 minutes of yelling and door-bashing before the round could continue in earnest.
Ultimately these suggestions look to enforce cooperation and good team-play through programatic solutions and I just don't think we can code a better nuclear operative.