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Pacemaker implant
This could be a stupid idea, but what if instead of just shocking people, you could inject them with an implant that keeps their heart pumping e.g Pacemaker/ICD

Reasons this idea is sort of balanced.

Most people don't bother with making implants, so a pace maker will only show up if the roboticist makes a bunch ahead of time.

Traitor's EMP's could really mess with them, giving any poor sap with a pacemaking implant a heart attack by causing it to go off nonstop or not work at all, requiring emergency removal or cloning.

You could make them adjustable in someone's medical records, so this could be an extremely sneaky way to kill someone, Just give them a pacemaker for some bogus reason, then set the pacemaker to too slow or heart attack fast. This could probably also be used for diseases that screw with the heart, using mass guessing to figure out how fast or slow the heart should pump before the person can stop dying.

I just think someone throwing an emp gernade and killing someone unintentionally would probably be a good story.

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