(03-12-2022, 12:06 PM)jan.antilles Wrote: Hi there, thanks for the feedback.
I informed you that your "piss bandit" roleplay gimmick was disgusting. You spent the entire game dumping containers of urine all over the station and talking about it on the radio, despite multiple people commenting about how gross it was.
One of your comments even violated Rule 4 because you referred to your genitalia:
Regarding the "why is it okay for an emote to mention shitting down your leg but not for me to piss everywhere:" First of all, there is no such emote that mentions shitting down someone's leg. I and others checked the code directly to verify this. Second of all, even if there was, that has nothing to do with whether or not I can tell you to knock off a gimmick that I and many other people in a round find disgusting.
Now, regarding the suicide comment. The source of that comment was that Security in the game have the right to not clone you, because you have the right in the game to commit suicide with a command if you decide to stop playing.
The roleplay server chat is not the place to discuss the ethics of suicide in real life. That was never the conversation.
Given the context of the round and everything that occurred during our conversation, including DMing me despite my Discord profile stating not to do so, banning you for six hours seems very fair. Any other admin, and you, are welcome to disagree.
Im dogshit at using the forums so stay with me on this.
1. In regards to the first part about the rule 4 violation: while true, I feel compelled to mention that this was in response to someone threatening to cut off my genitals, so if I broke it, so did they.
2. "Second of all, even if there was, that has nothing to do with whether or not I can tell you to knock off a gimmick that I and many other people in a round find disgusting." Im gonna put my own research into this particular one and get back to this, cause I swear on my mum that there is something along the lines of what I described. If not, I'll eat my words.
3. The previous comment is exactly what I mean by arbitrary with the "Even if it was." These things are on the same level, and should be treated as such. Both of them or okay, or neither are okay, there is a dedicated fart button for pete sake, no other server I played on has that. Not to mention that *during* the round the only complaints I received were in character: Which makes sense, it's pee after all. I received zero actual complaints (that I'm aware of) till after the round.
4. Speaking of after the round. I Dm'd you, no I didn't check to see if they were "Open" because I don't check every profile I message if I can message them or not. Either way, you said to stop, I did. That should have been the end of that. You however chose to escalate that into a ban to even after I said I wasn't even going to join the next round. I sat in the lobby using the adminhelp feature as to your request, where I simply requested an explanation as to why certain things are allowed and why others aren't, which I learn now turns out to be "Because I said so" which honestly further supports the argument that this part was based on personal whims instead of any rules or system. You banned me for requesting an explanation on the pretense of arguing and DMing you ONCE and immediately stopping afterwards. I cannot help but feel your reaction to this was completely overboard. Especially since I now have *ANOTHER* ban on record because of it.
5. Finally, as for the suicide comment. Love explained it better, In the moment when I heard "Suicide is a human right." A switch was flicked, because it certainly didn't sound like they were talking about the game. I live in a country where voluntary euthanasia is legal (I wont get into that bag of worms though.) so it was a logical assumption for me think they were vocally supporting it.
All I ask is you consider what I have said, One way or another I don't think I will remain with goonstation for long as every experience I've had with admins so far has been god awful.
"CYRUS farts really hard. Motor oil runs down its leg."
As for the fart button making you shit. Its for silicons, but the implication is quite clear.