HoS/NTSO App, Henry Greene (RP)
+1 for me.

I haven't played all that much Sec, but I have been playing more, and in every round I have played where Henry Greene is in there, he's been the steady rock for the Sec team and myself, that is always friendly, supportive, communicative and cool-headed with both Security and antags. They're absolutely someone I consider a great role model in my newbie Sec career. Maybe my primary one. And I really can't imagine higher praise for a HoS than being someone for Sec to strive to emulate.

The grabbing of medical supplies, beyond, say a medkit/healthscanner upgrades/one or two autoinjectors to get people alive to medbay IS a thing I wish 0nemore would do less. Nabbing the far too rare spare menders that prevent any transferring doctors from being effective in until cargo makes money (if ever) or miners find gold (if ever) is probably not something that should be done, especially. Still, it's kind of a small issue. Certainly not anything that gets close to making me remove my +1 for a SecOff of 0ne's quality.

Messages In This Thread
HoS/NTSO App, Henry Greene (RP) - by 0nemore - 02-21-2022, 07:41 PM
RE: HoS/NTSO App, Henry Greene (RP) - by Love - 03-14-2022, 01:02 AM
RE: HoS/NTSO App, Henry Greene (RP) - by 0nemore - 03-14-2022, 05:43 AM
RE: HoS/NTSO App, Henry Greene (RP) - by Telareti - 03-19-2022, 05:41 PM
RE: HoS/NTSO App, Henry Greene (RP) - by 0nemore - 03-20-2022, 07:41 PM
RE: HoS/NTSO App, Henry Greene (RP) - by Flourish - 05-08-2022, 08:39 PM

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