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i do not think the cryoxadone change is good, or needed
(03-08-2022, 10:49 AM)UrsulaMejor Wrote: Honestly I wonder at this point why we don't just make the cryopods independent of reagents entirely and just have it consume cryox and cold gas and then manually heal whatever you set the tube to heal without relying on the reagent effect to do anything

Could even have a tgui panel with dials to set the ratios and a shared total max of X points per tick

Then we could balance cryox outside of the tube separately

"overhaul cryo into having a tgui where you just set the temp on the thing itself"

I literally had this exact idea last night. I think it's a good way forward if I have any say in it.

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RE: i do not think the cryoxadone change is good, or needed - by Cal - 03-08-2022, 11:46 AM

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